About us

Welcome to Yummy Cookies! where each cookie tells a sweet love story.

Love of authentic and comforting flavors

It all began with a simple idea: to share the love of authentic and comforting flavors through homemade cookies.

Our story begins in our small kitchen, where each recipe has been meticulously crafted with quality ingredients. Each cookie is a perfect fusion of tradition and creativity.

Täytekeksit Tampere
Jokainen keksi on makuelämys

Every batch of cookies can create unforgettable experience

At Yummy Cookies, every batch of cookies is prepared with care, baked to perfection to create an unforgettable experience.

Every order you place with us is an invitation to share this adventure, to dive into a world of sweet delights crafted with love.

Deserved sweet break

We are thrilled to be part of your special moments, whether it’s to celebrate a particular occasion, share a gourmet gift, or simply indulge in a well-deserved sweet break.

Explore our collection of artisanal cookies and let yourself be enchanted by the magic of every bite.

Thank you for being part of our gourmet story!

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